Microdermabrasion – Crystal Exfoliation: For Face and Body

Crystal Microdermabrasion works by exfoliating to remove  the outer most layer of the skin, revealing the inner layer, which is fresher, smoother and even. Crystal Microdermabrasion delivers aluminium hydroxide crystals onto the skin at high speeds with the use of a handheld device.The procedure uses aluminium hydroxide crystals because they are  an effective abrader, while being hypo-allergenic, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. Sodium bicarbonate crystals can be used as an organic alternative to aluminium hydroxide crystals.



Benefits of the treatment

  • Effective on wrinkles and uneven skin tone
  • Non-invasive and non-surgical
  • Requires very minimal recovery time
  • Diminishes acne scars and freckles
  • No allergic reactions

Who can use Crystal Microdermabrasion?

Crystal Microdermabrasion can be used on all types of skin. However, it is advisable for young teenagers and pregnant women to avoid using this treatment, as hormonal changes have the potential to interfere with how the procedure works. People with sensitive skin should also be aware that after the procedure, there may be some redness, skin peeling and flaking, but this quickly disappears.

Treatment process

At the start of the session, prior to the procedure, protective eyewear has to be worn to prevent eye irritation. Crystal Microdermabrasion delivers aluminium hydroxide crystals onto the skin at high speeds with the use of a handheld device. Crystal Microdermabrasion uses tiny aluminium hydroxide crystals to exfoliate and remove the outermost layer of the skin. After the crystal exfoliation has been completed, a vacuum system is then used, to draw out skin impurities and remove dirt, dead skin cells and any remaining crystals.  The correct administration of Crystal Microdermabrasion can make the skin clean, smooth, well-toned and blemish-free, improving the overall appearance.

What to expect?

There are a few minor side-effects to Crystal Microdermabrasion. Skin that has been treated may be more sensitive to direct sun exposure. Additionally, some individuals may develop hyper-pigmentation and discoloured spots, as well as flaking and peeling on the treated area. It is also important to be aware that sometimes, the crystals may become airborne, in which case they can potentially irritate the eyes and lungs.


  • Can Crystal Microdermabrasion help reduce fine lines and wrinkles?

Yes, Crystal Microdermabrasion can minimize the appearance of  fine lines and reduce wrinkles.

  • Does this procedure treat acne?

No, Crystal Microdermabrasion does not treat acne, eczema and skin cancer. Although, this procedure can help minimize the appearance of acne scars  and blemishes.

  • Does Crystal Microdermabrasion use chemicals like other peeling procedures?

No, crystal microdermabrasion peels and exfoliates skin without the use of chemicals, laser or surgery.